Chrome version 72 prevents drag-and-drop GeoTag workflow in ArcGIS Maps for SharePoint

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Google Chrome version 72 prevents the drag-and-drop GeoTag workflow in ArcGIS Maps for Sharepoint. This has been logged as BUG-000120071. This defect is currently in the product plan and a fix is being developed.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Update Chrome to version 72:
    • Open Help > About Chrome: This forces an update.
  2. Open an ArcGIS Search App web page in SharePoint (Online or On-Premise)
  3. Sign in.
  4. Add one or more layers and set a geotagging attribute.
  5. Click GeoTag.
  6. Open any document library from the Geotag list.
  7. Drag a document onto the map to geotag it.
The items within the list can no longer be dragged. Instead the interface renders a "No" indicator, as seen in the following image:
image of blocked workflow showing circle and slash ion

Expected Behavior

Items from the Geotag panel drag onto the map and are tagged with the Geotagging attribute configured for the layer as outlined in Geotag documents

image of expected drag-and-drop workflow


Esri is working to resolve this issue with Chrome.  In the interim, use any other supported browser to complete this workflow.

Article ID: 000020121

  • ArcGIS for SharePoint

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