Checkschema may report that some indexes are missing, producing this output for one of its tests.
. . .
TEST FAILED >>>> ArcSDE for Oracle Compressed Binary format complete
-- Test Category: Index Analysis
-- Test Description: Check whether indexes on ArcSDE for Oracle
compressed binary layer have correct indexes. Also checks indexes
on ADDs and DELETE tables.
-- Result Details:
Error: Missing index An_STATE_IX2
Error: Missing index Dn_IDX2
(The previous errors were for layer OWNER.TABLE.COLUMN (layer ID#))
. . .
This checkschema test checks for the existence of indexes and other components of an ArcSDE compressed binary feature class. Each versioned feature class, or layer, has a corresponding ADDs table and DELETEs table. Because some indexes are no longer created at ArcSDE 9.0 final, this test gived a false failure.
This is a known problem.
At ArcSDE 9.0 final, the these indexes were removed:
- ADDs table: Annn_STATE_IX2
- DELETEs table: Dnnn_IDX2
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