Change the port numbers ArcIMS uses

Last Published: April 25, 2020


ArcIMS uses predefined ports to communicate between the Application Server and Servlet Connector and the Application Server and Spatial Server.

The default ports are:

5300 for communication between the Application Server and Servlet Connector.
5353 for communication between the Application Server and Spatial Server.

If another application is using these ports, you will need to change the ArcIMS port values.


  • For Windows NT and 2000 platforms ArcIMS 3.x, 4.0:

    1. Find and open the Esrimap_prop file in a text editor such as WordPad. The Esrimap_prop file is in the servlets directory for your Servlet Engine.

    2. Find and modify the AppServerClientPort value. Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

    3. Find and open the file in a text editor. This file is found in your <ArcIMS install directory>\AppServer.

    4. Find and modify the ConnectorPort value. Change the RegPort value only if your Spatial Server is communicating through a different port other than port 5353. Save and close the file.

    You must restart the ArcIMS services for the port modification to be read. If you have altered the Spatial Server port value, restart the ArcIMS Monitor Service on the machine where the Spatial Server is installed.

    There is a specific sequence to follow when stopping and restarting the ArcIMS services (Windows) or processes (UNIX).


    Stop them in the following order:
    A) ArcIMS Tasker
    B) ArcIMS Monitor
    C) ArcIMS Application Server

    Start them in the opposite order you stopped them:
    A) ArcIMS Application Server
    B) ArcIMS Monitor
    C) ArcIMS Tasker

    For further information about the stop and start of ArcIMS services on Windows or Linux operating systems, see the articles listed in Related Information below.

  • For UNIX platforms ArcIMS 3.x, 4.0:
    1. Find and open the Esrimap_prop file in a text editor. The Esrimap_prop file is located in the servlets directory for your respective Servlet Engine.

    iPlanet Web Server 4.0 (with Native Servlet):
    <iPlanet installation directory>/docs/servlet

    Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6 (with Native Servlet):
    <NES installation>/suitespot/plugins/java/servlets

    Note: If you are using Netscape Server 3.x, copy this file to:

    <Netscape Install>/suitespot/http(s)-<Web server>/config

    Apache JServ 1.0 for Apache Web Server 1.3.9:
    <JServ Installation directory>/servlets

    2. Find and modify the AppServerClientPort value (see sample below). Save and close the Esrimap_prop file.

    AppServerMachine=<machine name> 
    AppServerClientPort-5300 **Change port number

    3. Edit the following lines in $AIMSHOME/Middleware/Application_Server/Appserver.Properties:

    ConnectorPort=5300  **Change port number

    RegPort=5353 **Change port number

    4. Edit the following lines in the monitor script found in $AIMSHOME/Xenv/aimsmonitor:

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp $AIMSHOME?Monitor~com.esri.mtier.Imsmonitor


    Modify the RegPort value (which appears after $AIMSAPPSERVER in the code above) to reflect the port setting you have assigned for the communication between the Application Server and the Spatial Server.

    You must restart the ArcIMS services for the port modification to be read. If you have altered the Spatial Server port value, restart the ArcIMS Monitor Service on the machine where the Spatial Server is installed.

    There is a specific sequence to follow when stopping and restarting the ArcIMS services (Windows) or processes (UNIX).


    Stop them in the following order:
    A) ArcIMS Tasker
    B) ArcIMS Monitor
    C) ArcIMS Application Server

    Start them in the opposite order you stopped them:
    A) ArcIMS Application Server
    B) ArcIMS Monitor
    C) ArcIMS Tasker

    For further information about the stop and start of ArcIMS services on Windows or Linux operating systems, see the articles listed in Related Information below.

  • For Windows and Unix platforms ArcIMS 4.0.1:

    1. Run the ArcIMS post installation program

    2. Select the Custom option

    3. Check on ArcIMS Configuration only

    4. Change the Registry and Connector port values at the Application Server Information dialog.

    All associated ArcIMS files will be updated automatically with the new port numbers

    5. Restart the ArcIMS services

Article ID:000002035

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