Instructions provided describe how to change the Selection Tolerance for the Hyperlink tool in ArcReader using the ArcReader Configuration tool. This affects the search radius used to select features. Only features falling within the search tolerance are selected.
The Developer Toolkit must be installed to access the ArcReader Configuration tool in ArcGIS 9.0 and ArcGIS 9.1. If using ArcGIS version 9.2, 9.3 or 9.3.1, the ArcReader Configuration tool (ARConfig.exe) is located in the C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin directory. For ArcGIS 10, the ArcReader Configuration tool (ARConfig.exe) is located in the C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Bin or C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcReader10.0\Bin directory.
Once installed, verify ArcReader is not running before proceeding with the steps.
- In Windows Explorer, navigate to one of the following folders:
• ArcGIS 9.1 or earlier - C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit\tools
• ArcGIS 9.2-9.3.1 - C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin folder
• ArcGIS 10.0 or later - C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Bin folder or C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcReader10.0\Bin
- Double-click the ARConfig.exe file.
- When the first screen appears, click the User button to open the template file in the current user's profile.
![[O-Image] ArcReader Configuration splash screen](
- Click the Hyperlink tab in the ArcReader Configuration Properties dialog box.

- Type a new value in the Search Tolerance box.
ArcReader Configuration Properties - Hyperlink tab
![[O-Image] [O] ArcReader Configuration Properties - Hyperlink tab](
- Click Apply, and click OK.
- Click Exit.
To apply these changes to multiple machines, copy and paste the template file to each machine in one of the following directories before using ArcReader.
• C:\Documents and Settings\userprofile\Application Data\ESRI\ArcReader\Templates
• C:\Users\userprofile\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\ArcReader\Templates
ArcGIS 9.2 or later embeds the settings made to the ArcReader template in the Publisher Settings on the ArcReader tab. This allows the settings to be stored in the published map.