Change the highlighted color of a selection for an ArcMap Image Service

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Unlike Image services, it is not possible to modify the viewer, e.g., HTML Viewer, in order to change the selection color for layers in an ArcMap Image service.

This must instead be done on a layer by layer basis by changing the properties of a layer in the source .mxd. For example, it is possible to have five different selection colors if five layers are included in the .mxd document that is used in the ArcMap image service.


  1. Open the .mxd in ArcMap.
  2. Right-click on the layer that to have the selection color changed.
  3. Click on the 'Selection' tab and choose the appropriate symbology.
  4. Repeat this process for each layer that needs a different selection color.
  5. Once the changes are made and the MXD is saved, open the ArcIMS Administrator and refresh the map service for the changes to take effect.

Article ID: 000007982

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