Change the dispatcher for an assignment in ArcGIS Workforce

Last Published: December 9, 2024


There are multiple reasons to change the dispatcher for an assignment; a dispatcher might be moving teams, or they may be on extended leave and it is necessary that someone else manages their assignments, or they might even be leaving the organization and their access to the assignments must be removed.

In Workforce for ArcGIS web app, there is no function to change the dispatcher for an Assignment.


In Workforce, every Assignment contains a dispatcher ID. By opening the Dispatcher map, and opening the attribute table for Assignments, use the Field Calculator to change the dispatcher for the Assignment. Steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Project Overview. Open the Dispatcher Map, and open the attribute table for the Assignments layer.
  2. From the drop-down menu on the top right of the attribute table, select Show/Hide Columns, and select all.
  3. Match the DispatcherID field with the Creator that is the user to be removed. Each Assignment should have the same creator as dispatcher. Take note of this user's DispatcherID as well as the ID of the dispatcher to which to reassign the Assignment.
  4. From the drop-down menu on the top right of the attribute table, create a filter that displays only Assignments where the DispatcherID equals the value of the user from which the Assignments are to be reassigned. for example: "DispatcherID is 4"
    • The Show/Hide Columns resets, so from the drop-down menu on the top right of the attribute table, select Show/Hide Columns, and select all.
  5. Click the column DispatcherID and select Calculate.
  6. Using SQL language, enter the ID of the dispatcher for the new owner of the content, for example: "DispatcherID = 1".
  7. All Assignments have been reassigned from dispatcher 4 to dispatcher 1.

Article ID: 000022488

  • ArcGIS Workforce

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