Cartographic representations do not display correctly when applying a field based rotation

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Cartographic representations do not display correctly when applying a field based rotation.


Representations rotate with the graphic method (counter-clockwise with 0 at due north) while standard symbology rotates with either the geographic (clockwise with 0 at due north) method or arithmetic (counter-clockwise with 0 at due east) method.

Solution or Workaround

Change the values in the field with angles to be negative values or add 180° to each value.
  • Open the attribute table, right-click on the rotation field, and select Field Calculator. Set type as Number and use the following calculation (where <Field> is the rotation field name):


  • Open the attribute table, right-click on the rotation field, and select Field Calculator. Set type as String and use the following calculation (where <Field> is the rotation field name):

    [<Field>] + 180

Article ID: 000010860

  • ArcMap

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