Cannot use ArcCatalog to revoke all raster privileges

Last Published: April 25, 2020


This software issue was fixed in version 9.3.

When using ArcCatalog to revoke raster dataset or raster catalog privileges granted to other users, only the privileges on the raster business tables (raster business table, F_table, and S_table) are revoked. Users still retain the privileges granted on SDE_AUX, SDE_BLK, SDE_BND, SDE_RAS, and SDE_VAT tables.

Use SQL to revoke the privileges on all the remaining tables.


This is a known issue in versions prior to 9.3.


To revoke all raster privileges granted to a user on a raster in ArcSDE, use SQL in addition to ArcCatalog.

  1. Use ArcCatalog to revoke the privileges for the raster business table, F_table, and S_tables.
  2. Use SQL to revoke the privileges from the user for the SDE_AUX, SDE_BLK, SDE_BND, and SDE_RAS tables at the database level.

    For example, in Oracle:
    1. Login to SQLPlus.
    2. Enter the following command:

    data_owner@SQL>revoke select on SDE_AUX_1 from another_user;

Article ID: 000009038

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