When installing ArcGIS Engine or ArcGIS Desktop to the default location (C:\Program Files\ArcGIS), the SDKs are installed to this same location. However, on Windows Vista, the SDK sample ZIP file cannot be extracted to the default install location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS.
This includes:
ArcGIS Desktop SDK for Visual C++ 9.2 Service Pack 4 or higher
ArcGIS Desktop SDK for Visual Basic 6 9.2 Service Pack 2 or higher
ArcGIS Engine SDK for Visual Basic 6 9.2 Service Pack 2 or higher
ArcGIS Engine SDK for Visual C++ 9.2 Service Pack 4 or higher
ArcGIS Engine SDK for C++ 9.2 Service Pack 4 or higher
Vista’s security features do not allow extraction of files to the Program Files directory, even for Administrators. If the ZIP files are extracted to the default installation location, a 'Compressed (zipped) Folders Error' or 'Access is Denied' message is displayed from the operating system.
For ArcGIS Engine SDK for C++, extract the sample ZIP file to another folder that the user has access to. Then move these samples to C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ in order to run them.
Article ID: 000009781
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