Cannot extract ArcGIS SDK sample files in Vista to the default install location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When installing ArcGIS Engine or ArcGIS Desktop to the default location (C:\Program Files\ArcGIS), the SDKs are installed to this same location. However, on Windows Vista, the SDK sample ZIP file cannot be extracted to the default install location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS.

This includes:

ArcGIS Desktop SDK for Visual C++ 9.2 Service Pack 4 or higher
ArcGIS Desktop SDK for Visual Basic 6 9.2 Service Pack 2 or higher
ArcGIS Engine SDK for Visual Basic 6 9.2 Service Pack 2 or higher
ArcGIS Engine SDK for Visual C++ 9.2 Service Pack 4 or higher
ArcGIS Engine SDK for C++ 9.2 Service Pack 4 or higher


Vista’s security features do not allow extraction of files to the Program Files directory, even for Administrators. If the ZIP files are extracted to the default installation location, a 'Compressed (zipped) Folders Error' or 'Access is Denied' message is displayed from the operating system.


Solution or Workaround

Extract the SDK sample files (excluding the ArcGIS Engine SDK for C++ samples, see note below) to another folder that the user has access to. Work with the SDK samples out of this alternate folder or move the extracted folder contents back to the default location.
For ArcGIS Engine SDK for C++, extract the sample ZIP file to another folder that the user has access to. Then move these samples to C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ in order to run them.

    Article ID:000009781

    • ArcGIS Engine 9 x
    • ArcMap 9 x

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