Business Analyst Online imports only 100 records for geocoding from an Excel workbook

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When importing records from an Excel workbook only 100 records are geocoded.
The provided workflow shows how to create new Excel workbooks with only 100 records in each so that all locations can be imported.


Business Analyst Online has a limitation of importing only 100 records per Excel workbook.


The following workaround shows how to make multiple workbooks and copy the remaining records in increments of 100 into each new workbook. Business Analyst Online then imports the individual workbooks to reflect all geocoded sites.

  1. Take the original Excel table, which contains more than 100 records, and open enough new workbooks to handle all records in increments of 100.
    If the first 100 records have already been imported into Business Analyst Online, Excel workbooks only need to be created for the remaining records.

  2. Copy the headers from the original Excel table, and paste them into each new individual workbook.
  3. Copy the second set of 100 records from the original Excel table and paste them into one of the new workbooks.
  4. Repeat this for the remaining records in sets of 100 until all records have been copied to new workbooks.
  5. Save each of the new workbooks with new names in .xls format.
  6. Import the new workbooks into Business Analyst Online. Browse to each Excel workbook and import the records before proceeding to add rings, drive times or donuts.
  7. All records are shown in Business Analyst Online on the same map.
    Processing more than 100 locations with rings, drive times or donuts may decrease performance of the application.

Article ID: 000011628

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