The ST_RASTER SQL type was deprecated after the 10.5.1 release. However, its assemblies currently exist in PostgreSQL databases, as the type was installed into the database at a previous release. For PostgreSQL, the following error may be encountered while running the pg_restore utility to restore the sde schema:
[archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: function sde.subset(sde.st_raster, text, text) does not exist
The Solution section below provides a method to remove the ST_RASTER type and its supporting functions from the geodatabase.
The ST_RASTER type was installed into the database at a previous release. This error occurs if the sde schema contains the deprecated ST_RASTER type.
There are no known reports of errors that have occurred due to the presence of the ST_RASTER type in SQL Server or Oracle databases.
select relname from pg_class where oid = (select attrelid from pg_attribute where atttypid = (select oid from pg_type where typname = 'st_raster'))
Article ID: 000019239
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