Automate reconcile, post and compress processes

Last Published: January 14, 2021


Reconciling and posting versions in a multi-tiered versioning workflow such as secondary to primary to default followed by compress is a typical workflow performed by GIS administrators or managers.

This article pertains to ArcGIS version 10.0 only. Later versions of ArcGIS may contain different functionality, as well as different names and locations for menus, commands and geoprocessing tools.
ArcSDE software, including the application server, command tools, and SDK with C and Java APIs, was deprecated at ArcGIS 10.2.2 and is no longer distributed. ArcGIS software features were deprecated, rather than immediately removed, to provide customers with backward compatibility and give as much advance notice as possible to adopt newer technology.


The Python script below provides a method for automating the reconcile, post, and compress workflow. The workflow assumes three tiers (default > primary > secondary), such that secondary versions are reconciled to primary versions and primary versions are reconciled to default.

The script also compresses the geodatabase to state 0, deletes all versions except DEFAULT and re-creates the secondary versions.
  1. Modify the vtree variable in the script according to the version tree. For example, populate primary and secondary versions in the following manner:'Parent':'Child', etc. Do not list DEFAULT.

    In the example below, the version named SDE.Child is a secondary version of SDE.Parent. The version named SDE.Edit is a secondary version of SDE.QA.
vTree = {'SDE.Parent':'SDE.Child','SDE.QA':'SDE.Edit'}
  1. Set the workspace variable to reference the path to the sde connection file. Be sure the sde connection file user is the SDE Administrator:
workspace = r"Database Connections\MXD2.sde"
  1. Set the defaultVersion variable to reference either the dbo.DEFAULT or sde.DEFAULT in accordance to the environment.
defaultVersion = "sde.DEFAULT"
  1. Finally, set the logging variables according to your preference, that is, the naming convention and location of the logs.
logName = "RecPostLog.txt"
logName2 = "RecPostDefaultLog.txt"
logName3 = "CompressLog.txt"
logWorkspace = r"C:\temp"
#Reconcile and posting versions at 10.0

import arcpy, os, sys, string

#Populate parent and child versions in the following manner('Parent':'Child', etc).  DO NOT LIST DEFAULT
vTree = {'SDE.Parent':'SDE.Child','SDE.QA':'SDE.Edit'}

#Reconcile and post child versions with parent
def RecPostNonDefault(workspace,logWorkspace,logName):
    outLog = open(os.path.join(logWorkspace, logName), 'w')
    for key, val in vTree.iteritems():
        arcpy.ReconcileVersion_management(workspace, val, key,"BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "NO_LOCK_AQUIRED", "NO_ABORT", "POST")
        print "Reconciling and posting {0} to {1}".format(val, key)
        outLog.write("Reconciling and posting {0} to {1}".format(val, key))
    del outLog, key, val

#Reconcile and post with parent          
def RecPostDefault(workspace,logWorkspace,logName2,defaultVersion):
    outLog = open(os.path.join(logWorkspace, logName2), 'w')
    #Reconcile and post parents with DEFAULT
    for key, val in vTree.iteritems():
        arcpy.ReconcileVersion_management(workspace, key, defaultVersion,"BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "NO_LOCK_AQUIRED", "NO_ABORT", "POST")
        print "Reconciling and posting {0} to DEFAULT".format(key)
        outLog.write("Reconciling and posting {0} to DEFAULT".format(key))
    del outLog, key, val

def DeleteChildVersions(workspace):
    for key, val in vTree.iteritems():
        arcpy.DeleteVersion_management(workspace, val)
        print "Deleted {0}".format(val)
def DeleteParentVersions(workspace):
    for key, val in vTree.iteritems():
        arcpy.DeleteVersion_management(workspace, key)
        print "Deleted {0}".format(key)
#Compress database
def Compress(workspace,logWorkspace,logName3):
    outLog = open(os.path.join(logWorkspace, logName3), 'w')
    print ("Compressed database {0}".format(workspace))
    outLog.write("Compressed database {0}".format(workspace))

def RecreateVersions(workspace, defaultVersion):
    for key, val in vTree.iteritems():
        arcpy.CreateVersion_management(workspace,defaultVersion, key[4:], "PUBLIC")
        print "Created version {0}".format(key)
        arcpy.CreateVersion_management(workspace, key, val[4:], "PUBLIC")
        print "Created version {0}".format(val)
if __name__=="__main__":
    workspace = r"Database Connections\MXD2.sde"
    defaultVersion = "sde.DEFAULT"
    logName = "RecPostLog.txt"
    logName2 = "RecPostDefaultLog.txt"
    logName3 = "CompressLog.txt"
    logWorkspace = r"C:\temp"
    RecreateVersions(workspace, defaultVersion)

Article ID: 000011679

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