Frequently asked question

Are all attributes updated during a save operation with the move edits to base option?

Last Published: August 26, 2024


When an object class or feature class is registered as versioned with the move edits to base option, and when edits are moved from the delta tables to the base table during a save operation, all attributes for the class on the base table are updated.

Knowing that all attributes on the base table are updated during the move edits to base operation is important to understand for organizations that require the ability to place database triggers on the base tables. Knowing ArcGIS updates each attribute on the table during the move edits to base operation helps the application developer write the trigger specification, accordingly, to account for each attribute being modified and what action is necessary.

When the move edits to base operation is performed, the geodatabase detects all changes in the DEFAULT version's lineage and applies the edits to the base table. Any deletes, rows that are present in the classes deletes delta table, are first applied to the base table as a delete operation. Next, any inserts in the classes adds delta table are applied to the base table as an insert operation. And finally, any updates in the classes adds table are applied to the base table as an update operation. The update is applied by reading the entire row from the classes adds delta table and updating each row in the base table.

Article ID: 000010183

  • ArcMap 9 x
  • Legacy Products

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