ArcToolbox closes when using the Project Wizard

Last Published: April 25, 2020


ArcToolbox crashes when performing the following operation:

When converting data to a new coordinate system using the Project Wizard for shapefiles and geodatabases, the output geographic coordinate system (datum) differs from the input geographic coordinate system. A prompt asks for the selection or the set up of a geographic (datum) transformation.

Before clicking OK in the geographic transformations window, be sure to select an existing transformation or define a new transformation. If this is not done, the following error message may occur:

"The instruction at <"0x........"> referenced memory at <"0xffffffff">. The memory could not be "read"."

The error message is repeated twice and the wizard will close.

The text between < > can vary; however, the text always contains: "0x........(eight alphanumeric characters)".


Unknown at this time.

Solution or Workaround

Select or define a transformation before clicking OK in the Project Wizard.

To define a new transformation that will not change the data, set the method to Longitude_Rotation or Geocentric_Translations and set the parameters to zeroes.

    Article ID: 000004277

    • ArcMap 8 x

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