ArcInfo coverage annotation too big when imported to geodatabase

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Annotation from an ArcInfo coverage may be too large when converted to the geodatabase.


If the annotation pseudoitem $FIT is set to ON, $SIZE cannot be reduced beyond a certain point, because the annotation string has to 'fit' between two points.

Solution or Workaround

Open the annotation subclass from the coverage in ArcEdit, and examine the values for the pseudoitem $FIT.

Arcedit: ec <cover_name>
Arcedit: ef anno.<subclass>
Arcedit: select all
Arcedit: reselect $fit ne 'off'
Arcedit: calc $fit = 'off'
Arcedit: save

Turning $FIT to OFF will allow the annotation in the coverage to be resized.

While still in the ArcEdit session, check to verify that the values for $OFFSETX and $OFFSETY are 0 or positive numbers. If these are calculated to values less than zero, $SIZE cannot be recalculated to a new, smaller value.

The $SIZE value for coverage annotation is expressed in the units of the coverage projection, as the number of units the annotation would measure on the earth's surface.

Arcedit: select all
Arcedit: reselect $offsetx < 0

If features are selected, run the following:
Arcedit: calc $offsetx = $offsetx*-1
Arcedit: save

Arcedit: select all
Arcedit: reselect $offsety < 0

If features are selected, run the following:
Arcedit: calc $offsety = $offsety*-1
Arcedit: save
Arcedit: quit

At the Arc: prompt, after quitting ArcEdit, the annotation feature class must be built to restore the TAT and TXT tables:

Arc: build <cover_name> anno.<subclass_name>

BUILD cannot be run if the annotation subclass is not named. When the DESCRIBE command is run in Workstation on the coverage, the ANNOTATION subclass will display as <BLANK>. To name the subclass, so that BUILD will execute, run the COPYFEATURES command:
Arc: copyfeatures <cover_name> anno <cover_name> anno.<subclass>
You are copying the annotation to a new subclass in the same coverage.

After copying the annotation to a named subclass, run
Arc: build <cover_name> anno.<subclass>

The unnamed annotation subclass can then be dropped from the coverage:
Arc: dropfeatures <cover_name> anno geometry

The GEOMETRY option must be used with DROPFEATURES when dropping annotation, so that all related INFO tables will be removed from the workspace.

Article ID:000011237

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