ArcGIS Server Post Installation on UNIX systems terminates after entering account information

Last Published: April 25, 2020


In the ArcGIS Server Post Installation, after entering the server and container account information and the "Next" button is pressed, the post installation exits and the error "Abort - core dumped" appears in the console window.


An ArcGIS Server library failed to register during installation. This is usually the result of being unable to locate a dependent library.

The ArcGISServer_InstallLog.log (found in the home directory of the user account that installed ArcGIS Server) will usually list the library in which an error occurred. In most cases, the problematic file is libmessagesupport.so, located in the <ArcGIS Server install>/bin directory.


The path to the dependency needed by the ArcGIS Server library should be added to the library path in the init_server.csh/sh and init_engine.csh/sh scripts.

  1. To determine which dependency is missing, navigate to the ArcGIS Server installation directory and source the init_server.csh/sh script.
    source init_server.csh

  2. Navigate to the directory in which the problematic ArcGIS Server library resides and run the following command:
    ldd <library_name>.so

    You may see something similar to the following result:
    libz.so.1 => (file not found)

  3. Locate the library and note the path in which it resides. Add this path to the ArcGIS Server init_server.csh/sh and init_engine.csh/sh scripts.
  4. Open a new console window and restart the ArcGIS Server post installation. Sourcing the init_server.csh/sh scripts will set variables that may conflict with the post installation process.

Article ID: 000007623

  • ArcGIS Server

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