There are two problems generated by this bug. When trying to create a new project in Visual Studio using the ArcGIS Pro 2.0 SDK Managed Configuration project template:
The Visual Studio debugger launches the configuration with the wrong command line. For example, if the new configuration was named “my-custom-configuration.proConfigX”, the command line generated for Visual Studio is “/config:my_custom_configuration”. This is the wrong name. The hyphens have been changed to underscores by the template.
The Icon property generated by the template likewise has underscores in the pack Uri for the assembly name. This is wrong, the underscores should be hyphens.
/// <summary> /// Replaces the ArcGIS Pro Main window icon. /// </summary> protected override ImageSource Icon { get { return new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/my_custom_configuration;component/Images/favicon.ico")); } }
Modify the Command line argument used by Visual Studio’s debugger
Modify the configuration assembly name specified in the Icon override of the ConfigurationManager class
/// <summary> /// Replaces the ArcGIS Pro Main window icon. /// </summary> protected override ImageSource Icon { get { return new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/my-custom-configuration;component/Images/favicon.ico")); } }
Article ID: 000016289
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