Frequently asked question

Can I monitor computers on a different domain with ArcGIS Monitor?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Yes. The user running the Windows monitoring service must have connectivity and permissions. It is recommended that this validation happens before adding counters for System, Process, and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for remote machines.

Multiple Domains

To connect to another domain with the Windows monitoring service from a centralized ArcGIS Monitor machine, use the syntax below in the service Properties Log On tab:


where MYDOMAIN is the domain name and Admin is the username that requires remote permissions on the target machine.

The service must be restarted for changes to take effect.

No Domain

To connect to a machine with no domain from a centralized ArcGIS Monitor machine, use the syntax below in the service Properties Log On tab:


where Admin is the username that requires permissions on the target machine.

User-added image

Verify the connectivity to the target machine, eg. \\Machine1 , by using Windows Perfmon as the same Windows user running the monitoring service. Refer to Administrator help, under Administer > Common problems and solutions > Collection > System, Process, or RDP collection fails.

User-added image
  • If the error “Unable to connect to machine” is returned, check the Windows permissions.
  • There are several potential reasons as to why servers may fail to communicate, and it’s not something that ArcGIS Monitor can resolve. For example, one challenge is to communicate between a server that is part of domain (where ArcGIS Monitor is) to remote workgroups outside of the domain. This is not specific to ArcGIS Monitor and must be addressed by an IT department professional or administrator before attempting to configure ArcGIS Monitor.
  • If unable to resolve the connection from a different domain, as a last resort, install ArcGIS Monitor Administrator inside the target domain where a Monitoring service can connect. In the case of remote workgroups outside of the domain, a Monitoring service can be set up with each workgroup.

Article ID: 000017507

  • ArcGIS Monitor Administrator
  • ArcGIS Monitor Server

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