In ArcMap, the Address Coder application for the Business Analyst Desktop extension allows geocoding customer files and appending a variety of data items to an input file, this includes information such as Tapestry Information.
This same functionality is not available with ArcGIS Pro, where it may be necessary to append Tapestry information to a point feature class. This article describes the steps to do this.
- The first step is to geocode the addresses or XY data at hand. This can be achieved by using the Geocode Addresses or Geocode File geoprocessing tools.
Add the block group data
- Add the BlockGroups_bg layer (Block group data) from the USA_ESRI_20XX.gdb geodatabase, under the Demographic data folder in the location where the Business Analyst Data was installed. This layer is used to extract the tapestry information into the geocoded points layer. The tool that can achieve this is the Spatial Join tool.
Spatial Join
- Search for and open the Spatial Join tool.
- Target features is the geocoded points layer
- Join features is the BlockGroups_bg layer
- Match Option is Intersect (all other parameters are default)
- Expand Fields. This section of the tool allows specifying which fields to retain in the output.
- In the output fields make sure to leave TSEGNUM (Tapestry Number), TSEGCODE (Tapestry Segment), TSEGNAME (Tapestry Segment Name), as these denote the required information. Fields that are not needed in the output layer can be removed. Press the SHIFT key and select multiple fields at a time to remove them.
- Run the tool. Once the tool runs, another layer is added to the map that has the retained fields.