Apostrophes are not handled correctly with feature dataset names

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Feature dataset names containing apostrophes can not be deleted or renamed in ArcCatalog or with ArcObjects.


Apostrophes are not handled correctly with feature dataset names. The apostrophe should be contained in single quotes. For example:

"Select NAME from MYTABLE where NAME = 'test''s'

This is a problem in ArcSDE and Personal Geodatabases.

Solution or Workaround

First, do not use apostrophes in feature dataset names. To delete:

  1. Go into the native SQL environment for the database; for example, SQLPlus, Access, Enterprisemanager. Find the feature dataset name in the GDB_FEATUREDATASET table.

    "select NAME from GDB_FEATUREDATASET where NAME = 'test''s'"

  2. Update the feature dataset name to something usable.
    "update sde.sde.GDB_FEATUREDATASET set NAME = 'test_s' where NAME = 'test''s'"

  3. Delete the featuredataset in ArcCatalog.

Article ID: 000005049

  • ArcMap 8 x
  • ArcMap 9 x

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