An application error has occurred...the memory could not be read

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

The ArcToolbox Project Wizard displays this error message:

"An application error has occurred...the memory could not be read."

This occurs when transforming shapefile data from NAD 1927 to NAD 1983 HARN.


This is a known issue.

Solution or Workaround

This issue was addressed in ArcGIS Version 8.1.2. If using an earlier version, convert the data as follows:
  1. Reproject the data from NAD 1927 to NAD 1983.

    Instructions provided describe how to reproject a shapefile or geodatabase feature class from one coordinate system to another.

    This functionality is also supported at ArcGIS versions 8.2 and 8.3, but the following procedure only shows steps for ArcGIS versions 8.1, 8.1.2 and 9.x.
    1. Open the ArcToolbox Projection wizard.
      · ArcGIS 9.x
      A. Click on ArcToolbox button
      [O-image] ArcToolbox icon
      in either ArcMap or ArcCatalog to open the ArcToolbox window.

      B. Expand Data Management Tools > Projections and Transformations > Feature.
      [O-image] ArcToolbox Project tool 9.x
      C. Double-click on Project to project a single shapefile or geodatabase feature class, or right-click Project and select the Batch mode to project multiple shapefiles or geodatabase feature classes (9.2 or higher). If using version 9.1, double-click Batch Project.

      · ArcGIS 8.1 and 8.1.2
      A. Click on ArcToolbox button in ArcCatalog to open the ArcToolbox window.
      B. Expand Data Management Tools > Projections.
      C. Double-click on Project Wizard (shapefiles, geodatabases).

      [O-Image] ArcToolbox Project Wizard 8.1/8.1.2
    2. Select the shapefile or geodatabase to be projected.
      · ArcGIS 9.x
      Click the Browse button
      [O-image] ArcToolbox browse button
      next to Input Dataset or Feature Class. Browse to the dataset to project and click Add.

      [9.1] If multiple shapefile or geodatabase feature classes are being projected, click the + button to add more feature classes.

      [9.2 and higher] If multiple shapefile or geodatabase feature classes are being projected, click the + button to add more rows. Double-click the input dataset cell and use the new dialog box to select the data to be projected.

      · ArcGIS 8.1/8.1.2
      Locate the shapefile to be projected and click Next.
      Before the data can be reprojected, it must have a coordinate system defined. Use the ArcToolbox Define Projection wizard to do this.
    3. Specify a location and name for the new projected data.
      · ArcGIS 9.x
      Click the Browse button
      [O-image] ArcToolbox browse button
      next to Output Dataset or Feature Class. Browse to a location to save the new projected dataset. Make any modifications necessary to the name of the new data and click Save.

      If using the batch mode of the Project Tool, double-click the Output dataset cell to browse to a location and save.

      · ArcGIS 8.1/8.1.2
      Specify a location and name for the new projected data, then click Next.
    4. Specify the output coordinate system to project the data.
      · ArcGIS 9.x
      Click the Browse button
      [O-image] Projection browse button
      next to Output Coordinate System to open the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box. Click Select to browse to a predefined coordinate system. Once a coordinate system is selected, click OK.

      If using the batch mode of the Project Tool, double-click the output coordinate system cell. In the new dialog box, click the Browse button to open the Coordinate System dialog box. Use the Select or Import buttons to set the coordinate system.

      · ArcGIS 8.1/8.1.2
      Click Select Coordinate System > Select the coordinate system for the resulting projected file, or Import it from an existing dataset that already has the correct projection defined for it.
    5. Select an optional geographic transformation, if required.
      · ArcGIS 9.x
      If the input and output coordinate systems have different datums (geographic coordinate systems), a geographic (datum) transformation needs to be set.

      Click the Geographic Transformation drop-down list and select a geographic transformation. Optionally, click the + button to select a second geographic transformation.

      If using the batch mode of the Project Tool, double-click the geographic transformation cell and select a transformation in the new dialog box that opens.

      · ArcGIS 8.1/8.1.2
      Click Set Transformation and select the correct transformation from the Using drop-down list. Click OK and then click Next.

      Make certain the extents are correct and click Next.
      The default values work for most cases.
      I. Check the summary and click Finish.
    6. Complete the projection.
      · ArcGIS 9.x
      Click OK.

      · ArcGIS 8.1/8.1.2
      Click Apply, click OK, and click Next.
  2. Reproject the resulting NAD 1983 shapefile to NAD 1983 HARN. Use the same procedure as in Step 1.

Article ID:000004243

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