aims error '800a01ad' ActiveX component can't create object /gis/Legend.asp, line 17

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

In attempting to use the ActiveX Connector in an ASP page, an error is returned immediately after creating the connection object. The Server.CreateObject("aims.Connector") completes successfully, but then any further operation yields an ArcIMS error.

Typically the error occurs when trying to create the map (Server.CreateObject("aims.Map")). This occurs even with the simplest page, such as the ActiveX samples. The error returned is:

aims error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object
/gis/Legend.asp, line 17

Symptoms of this problem include:

1. An ASP page can successfully create some ArcIMS objects but not others. Successful objects include aims.ArcIMSConnnector, aims.Circle, and aims.Envelope. Unsuccessful objects include aims.Map, aims.Legend, and aims.LineObject.

2. The Microsoft XML Parser version 3.0 is missing, i.e., the file msxml3.dll is not in the Windows System32 directory.

3. The ArcIMS installation package fails to display the MS XML Parser installation screen (only when installing the ActiveX Connector via a Custom Installation).

4. Attempting to use the ArcIMS3.1\Common\msxml3.exe file to install the XML Parser yields an error message "Error creating process msiexec.exe /i msxml3.msi".


The XML Parser wasn't properly installed during the ArcIMS installation due to an old version of Windows Installer residing on the computer.

Solution or Workaround

The instructions below include making changes to essential parts of your operating system. It is recommended that you backup your operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding. Consult with a qualified computer systems professional, if necessary.

Esri cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions; therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk.

1. Download and install the Windows Installer package. See the Related link below for the location of the updated Installer.

2. Run the msxml3.exe file in the ArcIMS3.1\Common directory. This will install the MS XML Parser.

3. Test an ASP page that creates an aims.Map object. If successful, then the missing XML Parser was indeed the problem.

This issue has been resolved in ArcIMS version 4.0

Article ID:000003914

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