Add new fields into an existing report

Last Published: April 25, 2020


After creating a report based on the attribute table of a feature class, occasions may arise where it will be necessary to add additional fields into the report.

The instructions provided describe how to add new fields to an existing report.


  1. Open the report and click Edit to switch to the Report Designer.
    Open Report Designer

  2. In Report Designer, navigate to the Detail tab. Copy and paste one of the existing fields into the report.

    By default, this field is inserted on top of the existing field, so it will need to be dragged to a new location.

  3. Select the new field and navigate to the Element Properties window on the right.
  4. Expand the Data category and find the Data Field entry. Change the Data Field properties to reflect the newly added field.
    Add new field

  5. Under the the pageHeader tab in the body of the report, copy and paste one of the existing headers.

    As with the field names, it is inserted on top of the existing field, so it will need to be dragged to a new location.

  6. Select the new header and navigate to the Element Properties window on the right.
  7. Expand the Data category and find the Text entry. Change the Text properties to reflect the new field.
    Change the header

  8. Rerun the report to include the new fields.
    Final Report


Article ID: 000011278

  • ArcMap

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