Add a photo to an HTML Popup tab

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The default HTML Popup for a feature layer displays an HTML table containing the names and values of the layer's attributes. Photos can also be displayed, in addition to alphanumeric content. Instructions provided describe how to add a photo to an HTML Popup tab.


  1. Open ArcMap. Open the attribute table of the target feature class by right-clicking the feature class in the Table of Contents then clicking Open Attribute Table.
  2. Click Options > Add Field. Add a new text field to the feature class's attribute table with a length of at least 50.
  3. Start an editing session in ArcMap. For each feature that will have an image displayed in the HTML Popup, enter the following HTML image tag as a value for the record in the new field:
<img alt="File" src="\\ServerName\FolderName\PhotoName.JPG\" />

The source (src) value will be the UNC path leading to the image file on the server such as:

<img alt="File"

Stop editing, and save the changes when prompted.

  1. In the table of contents, right-click the layer that will have HTML content enabled and click Properties.
  2. Click the HTML Popup tab.
  3. Check Show content for this layer using the HTML Popup tool.
  4. Click OK.

Article ID: 000010521

  • ArcMap 9 x

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