Access the Polygon Feature Class from Lines command in ArcCatalog 10

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Access to the Polygon Feature Class from Lines command is different in ArcCatalog 10 than in ArcCatalog 9.3. In ArcCatalog 9.3, the command is accessed by right-clicking a feature dataset then pointing to New, which gives the user this option. In ArcCatalog 10, the user must first add this tool to the toolbar, then select a feature dataset and click the command.

A more popular tool, Feature to Polygon, is only available with an ArcInfo license, but Polygon Feature Class from Lines is available with both ArcInfo and ArcEditor licenses, which makes it a viable workaround for ArcEditor users.


  1. Open ArcCatalog 10.
  2. From the Customize menu, click Customize Mode.
  3. In the Customize dialog box, select the Commands tab.
  4. Under Categories, scroll down and select Topology.

    [O-Image] Polygon Feature Class from Lines

  5. Under Commands, drag the Polygon Feature Class from Lines command to an existing toolbar, and click Close.
  6. Highlight a feature dataset in the Catalog Tree and click the Polygon Feature Class from Lines command in the toolbar.
  7. Fill in the appropriate fields in the Polygon Feature Class from Lines dialog box and click OK.


Article ID: 000011274

  • ArcMap

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