A change to the virtual output directory from an ArcGIS server manager connection in ArcCatalog is not applied to a geodata service

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The virtual output directory can be changed in an admin connection to an ArcGIS server in ArcCatalog. This change should be applied automatically to all services that were defined to use the previous virtual output directory. For geodata services, however, the change is not being applied and this is a software defect.

This can cause operations on a geodata service to fail, since the old virtual output directory may no longer be valid. For example, creating or synchronizing a replica may fail with an internet connection due to this problem.


This is a software defect.


To workaround this problem, reset the output directory for each geodata service. To reset the output directory:

  1. From an admin connection in ArcCatalog, stop the geodata service.
  2. Right-click the service. Select service properties.
  3. Click the Parameters tab.
  4. Change the output directory to none. Click apply.
  5. Change the output directory back to what it was before step 4. Click apply.
  6. Restart the service. Now, it uses the virtual output directory.

Article ID:000009698

  • ArcGIS Server

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