7252:Line items belonging to different customer organization cannot be activated together

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

While authorizing the product the following error is generated: "Line items belonging to different customer organizations cannot be activated together."


This is caused by a limitation in the composite authorization transaction process. It is unable to handle authorizations for multiple customer numbers simultaneously.


EFL123456789 - Customer #1
EFL234567890 - Customer #2

The error message appears if an attempt is made to authorize both licenses at the same time.

Solution or Workaround

The problem can be solved by separating the authorization process into two groups by customer number.

Launch the Software Authorization Wizard and type all license numbers associated with the first customer number.

After the first group of licenses is authorized, launch the Software Authorization Wizard a second time and proceed to authorize the group of licenses associated with the second customer number.

If you need help determining which authorization number is associated with a customer number, contact Esri Customer Service for assistance:

Contact ESRI Customer Service

    Article ID:000011217

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