001488: The service you are attempting to publish includes data but the site has been configured such that data cannot be copied to the server

Last Published: April 26, 2020

Error Message

When attempting to publish a map service from ArcGIS for Desktop to ArcGIS for Server the following error is returned:

"001488: The service you are attempting to publish includes data but the site has been configured such that data cannot be copied to the server".


This issue occurs when the ArcGIS Server site administrator has purposely configured the site to not allow data copying, and the data location of the MXD being used to publish the service is not registered with the ArcGIS Server Data Store. For more information, refer to this ArcGIS help page.

The error may also occur when the MXD file is corrupt. For additional information about other specific errors, please check the server logs.

Solution or Workaround

Below are two methods to resolve this error.

  • Navigate to the ArcGIS Server Data Store and confirm the option 'Allow data to be copied to the site when publishing services' is checked. If this option is disabled, all the data sources must be registered with the server.

    See Disabling automatic data copying when publishing to the server for further instructions.
  • If the above condition is already satisfied,and the error is still reproducible, the problem could be attributable to map document corruption. In this case, recreate the MXD file. Copy all the layers from the old MXD file to the new map document, and publish the service again.

Article ID:000012592

  • ArcGIS Server

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