000864: The input is not within the defined domain

Last Published: January 26, 2022

Error Message

"000864: The input is not within the defined domain"


A raster processing input is typically the source of this error. The input raster may have a floating point bit depth, or the field may have the wrong data type.

More information about converting rasters to polygons is available on ArcGIS Web Help.

Solution or Workaround

The file type and tool context are important considerations when processing rasters. If the Raster to Polygon tool is run, then the input file type cannot be floating point. In this case, the bit depth must be altered. There are steps to preserve the information in the floating point value. The steps below describe how to preserve the numeric value.

  1. Determine the number of decimal places that need to be preserved. Use the Raster Calculator or Times tool to multiply the values in the raster by this value.
    For example, to preserve 3 decimal places, multiply the values by 1,000. Use the Raster Calculator or Times tool.
  2. Use the Int tool to convert the floating point raster to an integer value.
  3. Convert the raster to a polygon using the Raster to Polygon Conversion tool.
  4. Open the attribute table of the completed polygon feature, add a new field and make the type 'Double'.
  5. Right-click the field and select the Field Calculator. Specify the GRIDCODE field as the input and then divide it by the value that it was multiplied by before. This maintains the decimal value in the converted polygon feature.

Article ID: 000011393

  • ArcMap

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