Importing data from Local Government Information Model to a PostgreSQL geodatabase returns the error, "XML Import Error: Column already exist"
Last Published: April 4, 2015ArcGIS for Desktop
Bug ID Number
March 20, 2015
Last Modified
June 5, 2024
Applies to
ArcGIS for Desktop
Version found
Known Limit
After review by the development team, it has been determined that this issue is related to a known limitation with the software that lies outside of Esri's control. The issue's Additional Information section may contain further explanation.
Additional Information
This is a known limitation of working with the Local Government Information Model in PostgreSQL because the US National Grid feature class is based on the FGDC standard.
Workaround: Prior to importing the Local Government Information Model into your PostgreSQL geodatabase remove the reserve system (XMIN) field and replace it with a field called XMIN_1.
1. Import Local Government XML workspace to a file geodatabase.
2. Delete the XMIN field from the US National Grid feature class.
3. In the US National feature class create a new field and name it something other than XMIN, for example XMIN_1.
4. Export to a new XML workspace, then import it into PostgreSQL geodatabase.
- Import XML to file geodatabase.
- Rename XMIN to XMIN _1 for feature class USNationalGrid under feature dataset EmergencyOperations.
- Copy and paste, or import data to SDE geodatabase.