Esri MapStudio export operations for Adobe Illustrator and PDF files intermittently fail to return the output file, and return a 404 page when the file is requested. The following error: "IOError occurred while downloading the export output file" is then returned to the application.
Last Published: June 22, 2015Esri MapStudio
Bug ID Number
May 28, 2015
Last Modified
June 5, 2024
Applies to
Esri MapStudio
Version found
This issue was not reproducible when tested by the development team. Issues may be given this status when they cannot be reproduced or are no longer relevant in a development version of the software, but a specific fix was not installed to address the issue. The issue's Additional Information section may contain further explanation.
Additional Information
Unable to reproduce the error. Requires reproducible steps.
Use an alternate browser or machine works. However, this only works in some environments.