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Publishing a feature service to Portal for ArcGIS fails when published from a registered Azure SQL Database Managed Instance by an Azure Active Directory authenticated user.

Last Published: April 12, 2023 ArcGIS GIS Server
Bug ID Number BUG-000157236
SubmittedApril 4, 2023
Last ModifiedJune 5, 2024
Applies toArcGIS GIS Server
Version found11.1
Operating SystemWindows OS
Operating System Version10.0 64 Bit
Version Fixed3.2, 3.1.2

Additional Information

This issue is addressed in ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and 3.1.2.


Use the non-public Azure SQL Managed Instance endpoint and not the public endpoint to exclude the port. For example, ',' and not ',3342.'

Steps to Reproduce

Bug ID: BUG-000157236


  • ArcGIS GIS Server

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