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Select Layer By Location fails when used as a scheduled task.

Last Published: September 7, 2020 ArcGIS Pro
Bug ID Number BUG-000133517
SubmittedSeptember 2, 2020
Last ModifiedJune 5, 2024
Applies toArcGIS Pro
Version found2.6.1
Operating SystemWindows OS
Operating System Version10.0 64 Bit
StatusAs Designed

Additional Information

The Select Layer By Location tool runs successfully in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 when using layer inputs in a saved project, or dataset paths. The external scheduler process cannot update the selection of layers in the project which causes the tool to fail. However, if the tool is included in a model, the downstream processes after the selection is performed act against the selection correctly. The explanation is to be included in

Steps to Reproduce

Bug ID: BUG-000133517


  • ArcGIS Pro

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