Freigeben von Messungen für einen Benutzer außerhalb von Site Scan for ArcGIS

Last Published: September 1, 2023


Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS enables sharing custom analysis displays with members external to the project. It is possible to choose the view receivers can see from the many features inside the analysis panel, such as layers, files and measures.


  1. Navigate to the flight where the measurement is saved.
Image showing measurement saved
  1. Locate the measurement and toggle the button to turn it on.
Image showing measurement toggle
  1. Repeat the previous step with all the measurements to share.
Image showing measurement to share
Any other feature turned on in the layers or files tabs is displayed in the receiver's view (including the orthomosaic). To avoid this, turn off all other features not meant for sharing.
  1. Once finished, click the share icon located at the bottom of the main panel.
Image showing share icon
  1. A link is generated. Use this link to share the measurements and other enabled layers or files.

Consider the following when using this functionality:

  • The receiver of the link cannot modify the measurements
  • All the measurements, layers, and files that are shared can be turned on and off by the receiver, but this is not reflected in the project.


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