Es kann kein neuer Survey erstellt werden. {"code":-1 "message":"" "isTrusted":true}

Last Published: January 16, 2024


Attempts to create a new survey in ArcGIS Survey123 using ArcGIS Enterprise credentials return the following error message:

Unable to create a new survey. {"code":-1,"message":"","isTrusted":true}
Error message

Despite the error, an item is created but attempts to open it return the following error message:

The survey does not exist or is not accessible.
Error message.

Further attempts to delete the item fail, and return the following error message:

Failed to delete. undefined: Invalid account
Error message.


ArcGIS Server is configured to trust only certain domains instead of the default wildcard (*) value. The ArcGIS Survey123 domain ( is not added in the list of allowed origins.

Lösung oder Problemumgehung

To resolve this issue, refer to the workflow described in ArcGIS Server: Restrict requests from Javascript applications. In the AllowedOrigins field, add

The image below shows the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory page after the edit is made.

An image of the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory page.


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