Häufig gestellte Frage (FAQ)

Wie lade ich Collector for ArcGIS ohne Zugriff auf Google Play oder den Windows Store herunter?

Last Published: September 13, 2023


If you don’t have access to Google Play or the Windows Store, and it is necessary to download the latest version of Collector for ArcGIS to an Android or Windows device, Esri provides setups that can be downloaded and installed on the device.

While downloading Collector for ArcGIS from Google Play or the Windows Store is the recommended method, it is also possible to download Collector from Esri to a workstation and install it on the device.

  1. Log in to an ArcGIS account, and download the setup file.
  2. Run the .exe file, and extract the contents to your machine.
  3. Use the extracted files and your organization’s deployment system to deploy to your devices.


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