Häufig gestellte Frage (FAQ)

Gibt es Lernprogramme zum Einrichten von Einbahnstraßen für die Erweiterung Network Analyst?

Last Published: July 20, 2023


The ArcGIS Network Analyst Tutorial for ArcMap version 10.6 provides an overview of the Oneway restriction attribute and other evaluators in Exercise 2: Creating a multimodal network dataset, Configuring the DriveTime, Oneway, and DrivingAVehicle evaluators.

The attached instructions describe how to add and populate the data needed to enforce one-way travel direction on streets for ArcMap versions 9.x/10.0. Download (right-click the link and click Save link as...) and unzip the data, 'NA_One-way_tutorial.zip', from the Related Links section below.


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