Patches and updates

Liste der behobenen Probleme für ArcGIS Maps for Office 5.0

Published: October 5, 2021


Diese Seite enthält eine Liste von Problemen, die von den Support Services protokolliert und in ArcGIS Maps for Office 5.0 behoben wurden.




BUG-000115110Update the documentation for supported notation formats using ArcGIS Maps for office.
BUG-000116668GeoEnrichment Service call returns an incorrect feature for specific zip codes when performing the StandardGeographiesBatchQuery operation.
BUG-000116516ArcGIS Maps for Office fails to share the data as a Web Layer or Web Map when using the Europe Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) 0 Demographics data as location format.
BUG-000115189WGS 84 coordinates are incorrectly formatted using the Windows OS region in Germany.
BUG-000112045Aggregate areas operation for single row value fails and returns the error, "Error: smartMapping.createColorRenderer: error when calculating colorInfo."
BUG-000108105Using linked maps views in ArcGIS Maps for Office 4.1 (64 bit) do not appear after opening the saved Excel spreadsheet unless another Excel spreadsheet is launched.
BUG-000108714Data residing in a pivot table will succeed with a new item ID but will not update automatically in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000108234Geocoding using only specific Country names will fail to geocode.
BUG-000109272Microsoft PowerPoint fails to display the map extent correctly if the machine's screen resolution is set to 125%.
BUG-000110672The basemap gallery in ArcGIS Maps for Office does not include vector basemaps after enabling the 'Use Esri vector basemaps in supported ArcGIS apps' option in the ArcGIS Online Organization account setting.
BUG-000107569ArcGIS Maps for Office in Microsoft PowerPoint exhibits a slow performance when loading the layers.
BUG-000110739Time Animation settings are not retained if a change to the data is made using spreadsheet in ArcGIS Maps for Office version 4.1.
BUG-000110447Only 100 features will draw using a custom locater hosted in ArcGIS Online with ArcGIS Maps for Office version 4.0
BUG-000103684The German version of ArcGIS Maps for Office contains an inaccurate translation for the term ‘Label’.
BUG-000105611Unable to share a layer using a custom locator type with a large number of vertices.
BUG-000103847The World Geocoding Service in ArcGIS Maps for Office does not correctly locate specific addresses in Canada.
BUG-000104464Adding data to a map from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file will fail when a chart sheet is present.
BUG-000109702Login for ArcGIS Maps for Office fails when TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 are disabled on Internet Information Server (IIS) on the Portal for ArcGIS web adaptor machine
BUG-000106488Excel spreadsheet worksheets in ArcGIS Maps for Office is not updated after using the 'Fix errors' option for data Geocoded with the 'One Column' option.
BUG-000100298ArcGIS Maps for Office does not display "Browse for Maps" in the Insert Map wizard if using Internet Explorer 9 with Microsoft PowerPoint.
ENH-000103545The option to "Show maps within these categories" region picklist should include the region from the ArcGIS Online User Profile or Organization profile.
BUG-000110211ArcGIS Maps for Office version 4.1 does not consistently recognize if .NET Framework 4.5.2 is installed on a system
BUG-000101486Editing a previously blank record in an Excel spreadsheet workbook without the ArcGIS Maps for Office plug-in fails to update after updating the layer in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000107217Using ArcGIS Maps for Office on high resolution monitors does not display correctly.
BUG-000100997Unable to share or publish data to Portal for ArcGIS 10.4.1 when default symbols are changed in ArcGIS Maps for Office 4.0.
BUG-000108157Adding a layer from ArcGIS Online to a map in ArcGIS Maps for Office does not enable the Layer Style button.
BUG-000112286Geocode table fails to publish to ArcGIS Online if the data value in Excel spreadsheet ends with two special characters.
BUG-000108190Unable to log in to Portal for ArcGIS in ArcGIS Maps for Office if the 'Fall back to cloud resources' check box is enabled.
BUG-000110287Signing into ArcGIS Maps for Office version 4.1 with portal on Windows Server 2016 with Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) fails.
BUG-000111898Adding columns in an Excel spreadsheet while ArcGIS Maps for Office is not active causes potential loss of data.
BUG-000113425ArcGIS Maps for Office version 4.1.1 does not allow users to use smart card authentication.
BUG-000113443ArcGIS Maps for Office does not process data with leading zeros in the census tract Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes.
BUG-000113333ArcGIS Maps for Office does not geocode correctly when the location type references a zip Code field and location format as zip Code.
BUG-000099233Share Map and Share Layer options are disabled when using Enterprise logins.
BUG-000098520Graduated symbology appears larger on a layer published from Excel spreadsheet on Windows 10 when compared to a layer published on Windows 7.
BUG-000098530Publishing a layer from Excel spreadsheet with more than 370 records and utilizing the 'Country' location type will cause publishing to fail.
BUG-000096114An extra zero (0) is added to the end of the Currency ("Währung") field type values when using a German operating system and locale of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
BUG-000096846ArcGIS Maps for Office provides error message when attempting to geocode single line addresses.
BUG-000096125Number (Zahl) field type values are rounded when using a German OS and German locale of Excel spreadsheet.
BUG-000095703The option to Share Map and Share Layer are grayed out in Excel spreadsheet when a forward slash '/' is found at the end of the ArcGIS Connection URL.
BUG-000097236When using ArcGIS Maps for Office with a Greek version of Windows 10 or language settings set to Greek, the location type addresses are not present when adding a map.
BUG-000095568When adding a map to Microsoft PowerPoint, the Choose Layers prompt fails to load when ArcGIS Basemap Gallery is set to a group other than 'Default' group in Portal for ArcGIS.
BUG-000095631Add Map button is disabled in Microsoft PowerPoint if the ArcGIS Connection URL has a '/' at the end.
BUG-000101115Spanish postal codes with similar values are incorrectly geocoded in the same location.
BUG-000102913When an ArcGIS Online Organization's settings has "Allow access to the organization through HTTPS only" enabled and "Members can search for content outside the organization" disabled, it is not possible to change the basemap within the map window.
BUG-000098267When adding a column to a table in an Excel spreadsheet the field is not updated for all features on the map generated.
BUG-000103715ArcGIS Maps for Office intermittently removes maps from an existing XML spreadsheet.
BUG-000104924Saving a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in a folder generates an empty debug.log file if the ArcGIS Maps for Office add-in is enabled.
BUG-000101408In order to add Location Type "ZIP Codes" (i.e., zip code polygon boundary) data to the map, the user's organizational role must have Geoenrichment and Demographics privileges enabled.
BUG-000098053Non-public groups do not show when using Microsoft PowerPoint in ArcGIS Maps for Office.
BUG-000097891Adding data in ArcGIS Maps for Office, using a Brazilian locator style causes geocoding to fail.
BUG-000095588The 'Share Map' and 'Share Layer' options are disabled in Excel spreadsheet when connected to Portal for ArcGIS configured with Enterprise logins.
BUG-000095617Unable to set Web Mercator as the default spatial reference in ArcGIS Maps for Office.
BUG-000098660Using a German locale operating system, a field is categorized as number and the values of the field display three decimal places in pop-ups.
BUG-000098794Selecting 'Municipio' causes geocoding locations to fail in ArcGIS Maps for Office when Spain is selected as the standard location.
BUG-000095686Sharing a layer from Excel spreadsheet to ArcGIS Online that consists only of a zip code field and a numeric field returns the following message, "Unable to share layer."
BUG-000095073Invalid redirect_uri error in ArcGIS Maps for Office when using friendly name in Portal for ArcGIS.
BUG-000116602In ArcGIS Maps for Office, basemaps intermittently do not draw when using a custom basemap as the default basemap setting.
BUG-000115715Missing tooltips when using ArcGIS Maps for Office.
BUG-000114874The date format set in the system settings is not honored while exporting to a text file (Tab Delimited) from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet when it has ArcGIS Maps for Office as an active add-in.

Download ID:7943

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