Patches and updates

Esri Roads and Highways 10.4.1 Patch 1

Published: January 27, 2015


Dieser kumulative Patch enthält Leistungsverbesserungen und Wartungs-Bugfixes für Esri Roads and Highways (Desktop, Server). Bitte laden Sie diesen Patch herunter, und installieren Sie ihn so bald wie möglich.


Installieren dieses Patch

  1. Melden Sie sich mit einem Windows-Administratorkonto an.
  2. Wählen Sie die Dateien aus, und laden Sie sie herunter.
  3.   Prüfsumme (Md5)
    Desktop ArcGISLocRef10.4.1Patch1Desktop.msp 3819c7b8519cc4f270f8caa0bc6e83ae
    Server ArcGISLocRef10.4.1Patch1Server.msp 78c1ae47f842e0258f223e0220ec8c8d
  4. Doppelklicken Sie auf die MSP-Datei, um die Installation zu starten.
  5. Wenn die Installation startet, folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.

Mit diesem Patch behobene Probleme

  • Desktop
  • TFS48650GP: Append Events tool changes some Null attribute values to non Null values when appending.
  • TFS48748Realigning a lollipop on the loop portion when the route consists of more than one centerline creates a non-monotonic route.
  • TFS49230GP: Overlay Route Events tool fails when a route has null From and To dates.
  • TFS49565Realigning the end of a lollipop route results in incorrect suggested measures in the UI and non-monotonic route being created.
  • TFS50381GP: Overlay Route Events tool fails with memory error when run against large network of over 200k routes using stand-alone python 2.7 32-bit.
  • TFS50651GP: Overlay Route Events tool is unable to overlay more than 2 event layers if the input & output feature layers are in Oracle due to "SHAPELEN_1" field being created multiple times in the output.
  • TFS50738Realigning a route upstream of a physical gap where the realigned portion results in the location of the gap changing causes events downstream of the gap to not all be updated with the correct measure/shape.
  • TFS51551Realign route event behaviors are processed more than once causing ArcMap to hang when the realign is performed and saved in a file geodatabase.
  • TFS51811Realigning a route to create a concurrency then retiring the other route to eliminate the concurrency on the same date results in the snapped events getting the incorrect measures.
  • TFS51854Reassigning/Reversing a middle portion of a route results in step of 0 gap calibration method being applied to downstream portion of route no matter what was configured in network properties.
  • TFS51867GP: Overlay Route Events tool fails if output is an enterprise GDB workspace and any output segment is equivalent to the m tolerance.
  • TFS52348GP: Generate Routes tool has error "This type of cursor does not support this operation. For example, calling UpdateRow on a read-only cursor." when run on networks where routes will be updated.
  • TFS52414GP: Overlay Route Events tool output can differ in some data scenarios based on the order that input event layers are added to the tool.
  • TFS52722GP: Overlay Route Events tool fails when one or more input events have an underscore and number in the feature class name.
  • TFS53120Editing a Calibration Point upstream of a physical gap on a route with multiple time slices results in recalibration not being applied to calibration points from the beginning of the gap to the end of the route.
  • TFS53172Editing multiple non-adjacent Calibration Points on the same route with recalibrate downstream option checked results in incorrect upstream and downstream calibration behavior.
  • TFS53232GP: Overlay Route Events uses the incorrect time slices of routes in the network with certain time based definition queries applied.

  • Server
  • TFS53093EE: Incorrect transformation between (NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Arizona_Central_FIPS_0202_Feet_Intl) and Web Mercator in Event Editor.

  • Desktop und Server
  • TFS49210GP: Export Network service does not honor the precision parameter value.
  • TFS49377GP: Export Network tool fails when concurrent routes have at least one timeslice with the same From and To Date.
  • TFS50962GP: Relocate Events tool creates a gap in concurrency when a retire route is performed on both concurrent routes when that gap should not exist.
  • TFS50963GP: Relocate Events tool creates multiple concurrency records when a retire route is performed on both concurrent routes when there should only be one concurrency record.
  • TFS51087GP: Export Network tool is reporting a gap in concurrency when a retire route is performed on both concurrent routes even though no gap in concurrency exists.
  • TFS51255GP: Export Network tool does not report correct subordinate route measures when two concurrent routes are calibrated in opposite direction and a realign route is performed on both routes on the same date.
  • TFS51256GP: Relocate Events tool does not report retire events correctly when two concurrent routes are calibrated in opposite direction and a realign route is performed on both routes on the same date.
  • TFS52127Export Network does not get the latest GDB version state when executed as a service.


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Anfordern von Unterstützung

US-Kunden wenden sich bitte an den technischen Support von Esri unter +1 888 377 4575, falls Probleme beim Installieren des Patch auftreten. Kunden außerhalb der USA wenden sich bitte an den jeweiligen Esri Softwaredistributor vor Ort.

Download ID:7495

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