Häufig gestellte Frage (FAQ)

Welche Namensänderungen hat es aktuell und in der Vergangenheit Esri Produkten gegeben?

Last Published: April 29, 2024


This article provides an overview of Esri product name changes.

July/August 2021:

Old NameNew Name
ArcGIS Maps for OfficeArcGIS for Office
ArcGIS Maps for SharePointArcGIS for SharePoint

June 2021: 

Old NameNew Name
ArcGIS DevelopersArcGIS Developer
ArcGIS Experience Builder (Developer Edition)ArcGIS Experience Builder
ArcGIS Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition)ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

January 2021:

Old NameNew Name
ArcGIS for DevelopersArcGIS Developers

December 2020:

Old NameNew Name
ArcGIS Maps for Power BIArcGIS for Power BI

*Note: At the December 2020 ArcGIS Online update, ArcGIS for Power BI is licensed as part of the Essential Apps bundle. Previously it was an add-on license. 

October 2020:

Old NameNew Name
ArcGIS Analytics for IoTArcGIS Velocity

August 2020:

Old NameNew Name
World Geocoder for ArcGISArcGIS World Geocoder

June/July 2020 name changes (*denotes exceptions):

Old NameNew Name
AppStudio for ArcGISArcGIS AppStudio
AppStudio Player for ArcGISArcGIS AppStudio Player
ArcGIS for Aviation: AirportsArcGIS Aviation Airports
ArcGIS for Aviation: ChartingArcGIS Aviation Charting
ArcGIS for Maritime: BathymetryArcGIS Bathymetry
ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting
ArcGIS Maritime: Server
ArcGIS Maritime (combined into one name to represent both the desktop and server extensions)
Collector for ArcGISArcGIS Collector
Drone2Map for ArcGISArcGIS Drone2Map
Explorer for ArcGIS ArcGIS Explorer
Esri Defense MappingArcGIS Defense Mapping
Esri Mapping and Charting SolutionsArcGIS Mapping and Charting Solutions
Esri Roads and HighwaysArcGIS Roads and Highways
GeoPlanner for ArcGISArcGIS GeoPlanner
Navigator for ArcGISArcGIS Navigator
Survey123 for ArcGISArcGIS Survey123
Tracker for ArcGISArcGIS Tracker
Web AppBuilder for ArcGISArcGIS Web AppBuilder
Workforce for ArcGISArcGIS Workforce
Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and HighwaysArcGIS Roadway Reporter
*Esri CityEngineArcGIS CityEngine (name changed in May 2020)
*Operations Dashboard for ArcGISArcGIS Dashboards (name changed in March 2020 with ArcGIS Online update)


StreetMap™ Premium for ArcGIS®ArcGIS® StreetMap™ Premium (name changed in November 2019)
Insights for ArcGIS®ArcGIS Insights (name changed in October 2019)
At ArcGIS 10.5.1, the Business Analyst family of products was changed from names starting with “Esri” to “ArcGIS”. For example: 
Esri Business Analyst™ <version>

ArcGIS® Business Analyst™ <version>
At ArcGIS 10.5, “for” was dropped within core ArcGIS product names. For example:
ArcGIS for Desktop
This change did not apply to ArcGIS products that contain third-party names
ArcGIS Desktop


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