Konvertieren eines Feldtyps in ArcGIS Online

Last Published: July 18, 2023


In ArcGIS Online, the field types are set automatically if the field types can be identified. Fields can be removed, their display names changed, and their type changed. There are a variety of field types: number types, text types, date types, binary large objects (BLOBs), or globally unique identifiers (GUIDs). Choosing the right data type helps to properly store data while also facilitating analysis, data management, and business requirements.

The instructions provided describe how to convert the field type of an attribute table in ArcGIS Online, or through ArcGIS Pro and publish to ArcGIS Online.


Convert the field type through ArcGIS Online

Upload the CSV file to ArcGIS Online as a hosted feature layer. During the publishing process, the field types are identified, and set automatically. These can be reviewed and changed accordingly.

Publishing hosted feature layers and creating content requires Content privileges.
  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online and click the Content tab.
  2. Click My Content > New item to open the New item dialog box.
ArcGIS Online Content page
  1. In the New item dialog box, drag and drop the CSV file in the Drag-and-Drop File Uploader area.
ArcGIS Online New item dialog box with Drag-and-Drop File Uploader area
  1. Select the Add <file name>.csv and create a hosted feature layer radio button, and click Next.
ArcGIS Online New item dialog box with the file upload options
  1. Review the fields identified and make changes as required.
  2. Click Next.
ArcGIS Online New item dialog box with the Fields page
  1. Select the information in the CSV file that must be used by ArcGIS Online to locate features.
  2. Click Next.
ArcGIS Online New item dialog box with the Location settings page
  1. Specify a title for the hosted feature layer.
  2. Select a folder in My Content to save the item.
  3. Click Save.
ArcGIS Online New item dialog box with the Item information page

Convert the field type through ArcGIS Pro and publish the attribute table

  1. Convert the field type in ArcGIS Pro. Refer to How To: Change the data type of an existing field in ArcGIS Pro for steps.
  2. Publish the feature layer using the Share As Web Layer tool. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Share a web feature layer using the default configuration for steps.

Artikel-ID: 000026756

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