Häufig gestellte Frage (FAQ)
There are several possible reasons users are unable to see the Perform Analysis option in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Classic.
Users are logged in to a public account instead of an organizational account
It is required for users to have an ArcGIS Online for Organizations account to use the analysis tools.
Users do not have the required privileges to access the Perform Analysis tools
To perform analysis, the administrator of the organization must grant the user the following privileges:
The URL to the feature service is not a public URL
Analysis tools cannot be performed on map services that are internally facing; the feature service must be externally accessible. The URL to the service must be a public URL, and not only accessible behind a firewall. If a non-public map or feature service is used, an error message that the URL is not accessible is returned. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Use the analysis tools for this information.
The organizational account does not have enough credit balance
It is also possible that users in the organizational account might not have a sufficient credit balance to perform operations using the analysis tools. For best practices, ArcGIS Online has a set of tools in place to manage and monitor credit usage. Refer to ArcGIS Blog: Managing credits in ArcGIS Online for more information.
Artikel-ID: 000012480
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