Eine für die Verbindungseigenschaften erforderliche Eigenschaft fehlt oder wurde nicht erkannt.

Last Published: October 30, 2023


Attempting to create a data store using an SDE file returns the following error message:

The connection property set was missing a required property or the property value was unrecognized. Connection was attempted with an older version of SQL Server client communications software that is not supported.


  • The ArcGIS Server Windows service account does not have read permissions to the data stored in folders, databases, or in enterprise or workgroup geodatabases accessed with operating system authentication.
  • There is no Microsoft ODBC driver installed on the client machine.

Lösung oder Problemumgehung

Depending on the cause, choose one of the workarounds below to resolve.

The ArcGIS Server Windows service does not have read permissions

Refer to Error: The ArcGIS Server is not able to connect to the specified directory for instructions to apply read permissions to the appropriate folder.

Install the Microsoft ODBC driver on the client machine

  1. Log in to My Esri.
  2. Navigate to My Organizations > Downloads > Products. Search for ArcGIS Enterprise (Windows), select the version from the Version drop-down list, and click View Downloads.
  3. In the Download Components pane, expand Database Support Files, and search for the appropriate Microsoft ODBC driver. Click Download.
  4. Run the Microsoft ODBC driver installer to install the driver.

The SDE file can now be used to create a data store.

Artikel-ID: 000024020

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