Trainieren eines Deep-Learning-Modells – "Modelltyp wurde nicht gefunden" oder Fehler 00800

Last Published: May 6, 2024


When attempting to Train a Deep Learning Model it is possible to add image chips but not be presented with the desired model type. 
If the desired model type is selected first, and the image chips are then added, Error 00800 may be returned.


The cause of the model type not being found and Error 00800 is an incompatible Meta Data Format selected when exporting training data with the Label Objects for the Deep Learning tool. The Meta Data Format dictates what model types the user can use and/or see when Training Deep Learning Models.

Lösung oder Problemumgehung

To resolve this issue it is necessary to change the Meta Data Format to one compatible with the required model type. The below tables show which model types are compatible with Meta Data Format types.

Classify Pixels Using Deep Learning         
 Meta Data Format Type        
Model Type DeepLabV3U-NetThe Pyramid Scene Parsing Network BDCN Edge DetectorHED Edge DetectorMulti Task Road ExtractorConnectNetChange Detector
 KITTI LabelsNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
 PASCAL Visual Object ClassesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
 Classified TilesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
 RCNN MasksNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
 Labeled TilesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
 Export TilesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
 Multi-labeled TilesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
 Classify Objects Using Deep Learning  
 Meta Data Format Type 
Model Type Feature Classifier
 KITTI LabelsNo
 PASCAL Visual Object ClassesNo
 Classified TilesNo
 RCNN MasksNo
 Labeled TilesYes
 Export TilesNo
 Multi-labeled TilesYes
Detect Objects Using Deep Learning      
 Meta Data Format Type     
Model Type Single Shot DetectorRetinaNetMaskRCNNYOLOv3FasterRCNN
 KITTI LabelsYesYesNoYesYes
 PASCAL Visual Object ClassesYesYesNoYesYes
 Classified TilesNoYesNoYesYes
 RCNN MasksNoNoYesNoNo
 Labeled TilesNoNoNoNoNo
 Export TilesNoNoNoNoNo
 Multi-labeled TilesNoNoNoNoNo
Detect Change Using Deep Learning     
 Meta Data Format Type    
Model Type Image CaptionerSuper-ResolutionCycleGANPix2Pix
 KITTI LabelsNoNoNoNo
 PASCAL Visual Object ClassesNoNoNoNo
 Classified TilesNoNoNoNo
 RCNN MasksNoNoNoNo
 Labeled TilesNoNoNoNo
 Export TilesYesYesNoYes
 Multi-labeled TilesNoNoNoNo


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