Häufig gestellte Frage (FAQ)

Können Feature-Auswahl-Optionen für Punktsymbole in ArcGIS Pro geändert werden, außer der Farbe?

Last Published: April 16, 2024


There are situations in which it may be desirable to change appearance options for selected features in ArcGIS Pro other than color. This may be done to increase contrast to:

  • Make features more visible against background features
  • Make features easier to see compared to unselected features

At the time of this writing, only color can be configured for point feature selection. However, there is currently an Idea in the Esri Community requesting changing point size: Option to change size of Selection (Point) in ArcGIS Pro

In response to a similar suggestion, ArcGIS Pro: symbology for selected polygons, additional selection options for polygons were added at Pro 2.7.


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