laptop and a wrench


When saving a map with a pop-up containing a hyperlink with a $ symbol, Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 returns the error, "Your map '[mapname]' could not be saved."

Zuletzt veröffentlicht: December 23, 2016 Portal for ArcGIS
Bug-ID-Nummer BUG-000093051
EingereichtDecember 17, 2015
Zuletzt geändertJune 5, 2024
Gilt fürPortal for ArcGIS
Gefunden in Version10.3.1
Behoben in Version10.5


Modify the URL to not contain a $ symbol. The easiest way to do this is to encode the $ with $24. So, the original URL of:$+money is changed to: This allows Portal for ArcGIS to save the web map without an error.

Schritte zur Reproduzierung

Bug-ID: BUG-000093051


  • Portal for ArcGIS

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