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The Public Groups on Portal for ArcGIS are not searchable using a partial name.

Zuletzt veröffentlicht: June 7, 2018 Portal for ArcGIS
Bug-ID-Nummer BUG-000088403
EingereichtJune 15, 2015
Zuletzt geändertJune 5, 2024
Gilt fürPortal for ArcGIS
Gefunden in Version10.3
StatusKnown Limit

Zusätzliche Informationen

Portal does not support wildcard searches at this time. The search allows you to enter keywords in the search box: 'Public' is not considered a keyword of 'PublicGroup' , so no results will be returned. To make items more searchable, we advise using Tags that correspond to keywords you think people will use to search the item:

Schritte zur Reproduzierung

Bug-ID: BUG-000088403


  • Portal for ArcGIS

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