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The Euclidean distance method in the IDistanceOp Iinterface returns an error message, “Attempted to read or write protected memory” when the AvoidDataConversion property in the IRasterAnalysisGlobalEnvironment Iinterface is set to true.

Zuletzt veröffentlicht: January 28, 2021 ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework
Bug-ID-Nummer BUG-000136102
EingereichtDecember 11, 2020
Zuletzt geändertNovember 10, 2021
Gilt fürArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework
Gefunden in Version10.8.1
Client-Plattform10.0 64 Bit
Version Fixed10.8.2


The ArcGIS (Desktop, Engine, Server) 10.8.1 Spatial Analyst RasterDistanceOp Component Patch is live on the support site. The URL is:

Schritte zur Reproduzierung

Bug-ID: BUG-000136102


  • ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework

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