laptop and a wrench


Improve the branch versioning workflow performance and correctness.

ArcGIS Utility Network
Bug-ID-Nummer BUG-000158186
EingereichtMay 9, 2023
Zuletzt geändertJune 5, 2024
Gilt fürArcGIS Utility Network
Gefunden in VersionN/A
BetriebssystemWindows OS
Behoben in Version3.2

Zusätzliche Informationen

This issue outlines a collection of fixes implemented to address scenarios where users encounter inconsistencies or performance issues when working with branch versioned data in enterprise geodatabases hosting utility networks. These key performance and correctness improvements address a variety of underlying border cases which go unnoticed but are to help ensure the infrastructure supports service workflows correctly and efficiently.


The ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 Utility Network and Data Management Patch 5 is live on the support site. The URL is

Schritte zur Reproduzierung

Bug-ID: BUG-000158186


  • ArcGIS Utility Network

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