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Embedded Portal for ArcGIS configurable apps fail to load on a browser with 'Block third-party cookies' enabled.

Zuletzt veröffentlicht: May 11, 2021 Portal for ArcGIS
Bug-ID-Nummer BUG-000139382
EingereichtApril 26, 2021
Zuletzt geändertJune 5, 2024
Gilt fürPortal for ArcGIS
Gefunden in Version10.8.1
Behoben in Version10.9.1


Workaround : Add [*.] cookie in the browser setting. However, this option is not feasible for publicly accessible resources.


Additional information:

The following article indicate the issue was resolved in December 2019 


There is also an existing enhancement request

ENH-000120109 : Allow embedded web maps and configurable apps to continue to work when the user has 3rd-party cookies blocked in the web browser.

Status : Tech Complete

The workaround is to add [*.] as an allowed cookie in the br

Schritte zur Reproduzierung

Bug-ID: BUG-000139382


  • Portal for ArcGIS

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